I love this. I know it is just to hold nappies in but how funky is this??? Although i had to give it to Liz as she had paid for it. Very VERY sad to see it go especially as my 4 year old has spilt ribena all over mine. Made yet again with Ikea fabric.

Very funky to have hanging off your buggy or pram
Attached waterproof pocket for wipes or flannel
My daughter is teething and i have got to the end of my sympathy - which in all honestly never lasts long anyway. Figure it is too early for a gin and tonic at 9.50am so i am just going to have to drink caffeine instead. Temperatures, irritablility, clingy,,,,,,,,aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhh. Teething is the big cock up of mother nature. Painful for the child, excruciating for the mother.

Again with Ikea fabric, made this funky grocery bag. Sad to see that go as well.