So I spent this morning at the hospital with Oliver for his pre-operative check. Oliver had a severe infection in his willy 18 months ago which is involved a 4 day stay in hospital and a small operation. All good fun at the time as i was 7 months pregnant with Martha. Anyway to tidy things up as it were he needs to be circumcised and the date has come. It is booked for next week and I am feeling incredibly nervous about it. Not only do i dislike the thought of him being circumcised but general anaesthetics are scary things and no mum wants their child to have one.
Plus it means that we have to try and keep him germ free between now and then. Bloody impossible when he is at school full time but it does look like our weekend with his cousins will be cancelled - just in case!!!!!!
I have lots of lovely leaflets from the hospital to read tonight. Oh joy.
The date of the bag party is another one that is looming closer and closer. This one will be scarier than the last as it is not being thrown by a friend of mine but by a relative of my neighbour who i have never met!!!! Of course me being me i am leaving all the sewing until the last minute.
I have been trying in vain to take a fab photo of the velvet bag i made on Saturday but no matter how i take it the velvet looks covered in fluff. I am not whizzy enough yet at photoshop to play around with it so i will just show a photo of me posing carrying it before a night out.
You see if i could use photoshop i would try and rub out that stray piece of Lego under the radiator. The frame is a silver one with a chain and finger holder. The flower is made out of an orange silk with a beaded middle.
I had a fun shopping trip in Ikea last week looking for large stackable boxes to house my ever growing mountain of fabric and of course i ended up buying this little lot.
The big cushion cover with the butterfly on it is being transformed into a HUGE tote bag with cotton twill handles. Very simple, very bright and full of fun. Who said that winter should be all tweed and wool.
The silky fabric on the right hand side was a remnant from my local interiors shop Asquith Interiors and i think i got it for about 75p. It is going to be transformed into silver framed evening bags.
I have lots of things to make, lots of gorgeous fabric to make it with, I just need a good kick up the back side to get on with it. Although i have made a hat for my friends daughter today and a tea-cup cosy for my brother's birthday.
If you are wondering why i was all dressed up, I was on my way out to a banquet for my brothers birthday at the local pub.

Good luck at the hospital. I hope everything will go very well. Really cute bag too!
Good wishes for Oliver from me too. (Most people don't think twice about things like anaesthetics but I totally understand you.)
The velvet bag is very cute and you look great all dressed up.
Good luck with the hospital stay, it's horrible having to see your children having treatment but it's for the best and kids are very resilient and get over things more quickly than we do as adults. You've just got him to keep his hands off his todger afterwards! You know what boys are like:)
The bag looks lovely, and so do you...I'm sure you'll get motivated once you get stuck in.
Gill x
That butterfly fabric is beautiful. Thanks for the compliment on my ring.
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