I am sitting here listening to the bangs of fireworks, a half finished bag to the side of me, a baby in bed who is shaking with fear and a son at the display eating hot dogs. I have spent the last 15 minutes or so reading some fantastic blogs. Suzannes and Ali's to name two. really thought provoking and interesting. When i read these blogs I am constantly amazed not only by how much enjoyment i get from reading them but how much some women seem to achieve in their day and yet still have time to write these fantastic words. Susanne is even going to attempt a novel in a month. I can tell you if i attempted that i would need a good Chenin Blanc on a drip. I am constantly amazed with the talent and versatility of people.
Anyway i have been busy making bags. Here are a few photos of them

The bottom basket is made from a faux suede and is glorious. The photo does not do it justice at all. It is a really elegant bag and i am proud of its finish. Alas it has gone to a new home. The top basket with the grey fabric with flowers is so special simply because of the fabric. Bought from the lovely Lisa it is just phenomenal. There are lots more bag photos to come but i just thought i would put these up for now.
Happy Bonfire Night everybody
1 comment:
Lovely pictures, lovely bags. I just ordered some of that grey Moda fabric for a bag for a friend.
As for how I am doing so much: a) there are a lot of things I don't do like I haven't cleaned the toilets in months (and I haven't now, my husband has and has been quite angry about it, and he is right), b) I just had a week off, and I am writing while my husband looks after our son and the next weeks I will be writing while my son is in kindergarten.
Also I'm not meeting friends, reading newspapers, watching TV, ironing, or sewing at the moment.
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