Cor how naff a title is that. So after having a nightmare of a Friday and Saturday in the hospital with Martha who has been really poorly and had her first febrile convulsion on Friday, I have been really excited today by the photos my friend Cath has taken of my handmade jewellery. As i mentioned before i have been really impressed by marmadaisy's stuff and thought i would have a go myself in readiness for the Spring Craft fair in Toddington. However, I am so so so useless at taking photos - something i am sure you have gathered by now. Cath however is extremely talented in this area, just look here She makes fantastic calenders and cards, which sell really quickly in the village. Anyway she has made my little efforts look brilliant. So i am off to make some more beaded rings which involve sewing them in. I had my first attempt last night but the wire snapped so will be trying again today with tougher stuff

This is a hairslide using three daisy pendants
Another hairslide using leopard print yo yos with matching yellow buttons

An assortment of rings using buttons as the decoration.
Since starting this post i have finished a ring which has the beads hand sewn with jewellery wire and it looks fantastic. I will have a go at taking a photo myself but may well pass it on to cath for her expertise. I would really like to know your opinion on my efforts so far.
I hope Martha feels better soon. That must have been quite exciting, to say the least.
Your jewelery on the other hand looks absolutely stunning. They will sell like, um, something that sells very fast apparently.
(I will answer to your comment on my site but it will have to wait until tomorrow or so, Mondays are quite full around here.)
I really like the daisy hair slide. Who suit many ages. The rings are clever, did not now that you could get ring 'blanks' tp add a button etc. Good idea! What about the wire knitting, how is that going?
Love the lepard print yoyo's. Your rings are wonderful too.
I have purchased rings from Marmadaisy and love them. Can't wait to see yours offered for sale!
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