Oliver and Isobel on the train to Harpenden
The summer holidays are coming to an end and now they are nearly up, I have no idea where the time has gone. Most of it has gone in pulling my hair out thinking "how the hell am i going to get through the next six weeks" My eldest Oliver starts full time school in a week and i will really miss him, although i will be relieved that i don't have to pretend i am in a tardis with daleks 24 hours a day - or so it seems. I even know that TARDIS stands for Time And Reletive Dimension In Space. FOr all of you who think I have gone mad, it is from Doctor Who on the telly. Andrew and Oliver are fans. Although Oliver is in bed when it is on and only watches the non-scary bits in the morning after it has been vetted by me.

I am hoping that when he is at school, during Martha's nap time i will be ale to get stuff done and my house will resemble somewhere nice to live as opposed to somewhere that needs to be closed down!! I will also be able to get some sewing done during the day!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeh right
For now i have two PE bags to make - one will have safari animals on and the other will have rockets on - and two pairs of trousers to hem!!!!!!!! This is not to mention the labels i have to sew on. If they turn up on time as i ordered them VERY VERY late.
Off for a run now.
Pat yourself on the back for having finished those orders. (And the fact that you're still thinking about sewing projects means that you really like it!)
And isn't it funny that back to school can be anticipated as much as vacation time? Or more if you're the mother.
I love the look on the little face under the lovely hat.
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